Saturday, October 22, 2011

Anybody in the Washington DC Area?

6x6 is barely finished and I'm already prepping for the next leg on my 20111 exhibition tour.

Next stop:  Washington D.C.!

I haven't been to Washington DC in over a decade and this is my first solo exhibition there so obviously I'm thrilled!  Also, I'm so sick of NYC right now that every time I see a bearded Brooklyn hipster in orange skinny jeans I have to close my eyes and count quietly from 1 to 50 in order to keep from throwing myself onto the F train tracks just so the pain will stop.  Oh the glorious glorious pretentious PAIN!

Anyway, if you're in the DC area.  Come meet me in 3D.  One rule:  Don't be creepy.

The deets:

As part of the FOTOWEEK DC 2011 FESTIVAL you are cordially invited to the opening reception for

(Re)calling and (Re)telling

An exhibition of work by Kesha Bruce.
November 5–November 12, 2011.

Artist Talk and Opening Reception:
Saturday November 5th, 2011.
2 - 5 PM.

(Re)calling and (Re)telling uses maps, 
drawings, found documents, and family
photographs to create new, hybrid
narratives that address aspects of
African-American history and
experience through memory
and storytelling.

Morton Fine Art
1781 Florida Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC 20009-2647
(202) 628-2787

This is my LAST exhibition for 2011 and my last stop before heading back to Frog-land.

Be there or be square.



fashion survivor said...

Come to Chicago and I will definitely come see you!

Travel said...

Great show and it was great meeting you.



Madame K said...

Fashion Survivor: I'm working on it! Almost made it there earlier this year but then the "snownami" hit and closed down my show!

Travel-- Lovely to meet you tooooo! Thanks so much for coming by man!

Ro @ Eat Live Move said...

I miss you! Come back and start writing again.

Hope you're well!