In search of the perfect Afro-puff.

Created by
Madame K
5:38 PM
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Topics: Rants and Musings
Its the day before my birthday and I'm sick. So I'm laying on the sofa watching a "Freaks and Geeks" marathon with a few of my Art buddies. Yes. We are professionals. This is what professional artists do.
Later this evening we're expecting a Noreaster...whatever that is. No one can tell me exactly what a Noreaster is, but I'm sure it will amount to 10-12 inches of snow. Better late than never I ordered these:
Please feel free to laugh at the thought of me wearing these boots. But as long as my feet stay dry I couldn't care less. Plus it was either these wacky boots or plastic bags wrapped on my feet.
Created by
Madame K
9:14 PM
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Without a doubt the best part of "Art Camp" is meeting other artists, who in my case have become real friends.
From Left to right: Liz, Natalie, Nellie, Julie, Jason.
Only this cast of characters could convince me that going on a "nature walk" would be fun.
And when we're not hard at work: Ping Pong!
Created by
Madame K
8:03 PM
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Its colder than a witch's tit and it snows everyday, but it's totally worth it.
I've been in Vermont for a week now. So many things to report , but so little time. I'm forcing myself to use the internet no more than 20 minutes each day unless it's work related.I was assigned one of the most beautiful studios in the building and throughout the day all my new art-friends stop by to peek in.
As usual I have 3 projects going at once. Nothing serious yet. I'm mostly just setting up and getting used to my space.
More photos coming soon!
Created by
Madame K
6:58 AM
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In New York City everything changes and everything stays the same.
Created by
Madame K
4:43 PM
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