Saturday, September 02, 2006

La Reine de la Mirabelle!

For the 3rd year in a row I have narrowly survived Mirabelle season.


Before I moved to France I had never heard of a Mirabelle, but in the Lorraine region it’s all anyone talks about come the end of each summer. Mirabelles are basically yellow prunes that are a specialty of Lorraine. The region produces 15,000 tons of mirabelles annually. These little fruits are so venerated that for weeks everyone in the region is forced to eat Mirabelles non-stop in every type of dish from pie to pâté.


Now, the list of things I have grown to absolutely adore while living in France is quite long, but the Mirabelle has not quite made the cut. I for one, think they are goofy little fruits, but when French Mother-in-law makes her famous Tarte de Mirabelles I succumb to Mirabelle mania and eat it anyway.


And just last week, those crazy French folks over in Nancy even went so far as to make the largest world's longest Tarte de Mirabelle which measured in at 206.31 meters, or around 4000 portions.


But wait! Just when you think it can't get any weirder: Each year the city of Metz (which will be our new home next year!) dedicates two entire weeks of celebrations & parties to these goofy little fruits. During the Fêtes de la Mirabelle celebration there are live music concerts, parties, fireworks, art exhibits, and of course open markets where you can buy damn near everything made with Mirabelles including pies, liquer, jam, and probably even shoes.

metz party

But my absolute favorite part of the festival is the crowning of the Mirabelle Queen and the parade and gala celebration that follow.

That’s right folks it’s The Mirabelle Queen!


And although it sounds like some sort of drag queen competition, its an honest to goodness pageant. With ladies. In fact this year the judging was done by the same panel that judges the Miss France competition. Tough crowd! Mirabelle Queen 2006 is Hafida Berhilia!


Needless to say, I am glad that Mirabelle season is officially over. Now we can go back to eating other fruits like say… quetche!

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