More Cock Please!
Probably due to the fact that I spent the past 8 weeks in North America, you may have noticed lately that my blog posts have veered a bit far from the topic of living in France.
I want to give you my word that at least for the rest of the summer I will try to stay on topic. Until September I will give you more cock talk than you can shake a stick at.
Not enough you say? You need more cock? Try this:

To prove I mean business, a little cock trivia for you:
A capon is a castrated rooster. In this procedure the testes of the cock are completely removed; a surgical procedure is required for this as its sexual organs are not external (most birds, the rooster included, do not possess a penis).
This procedure produces a unique type of poultry meat which is favored by a specialised market. As caponized cocks grow slower they accumulate more body fat; the concentration of fat in both the light and dark areas of the capon meat is greater than in that of the uncastrated males; overall, it is often thought that capon meat is more tender, juicier and more flavorful than regular chicken.
Not enough you say? You need more cock? Try this:
Happy now?
I haven't had enough cock, er - coq, in my life these days. Thanks for that.
Also, that's one of my favorite scenes from Casablanca.
Trés heureux. Merci.
It's funny I was thinking about this scene the other day! I saw some footage of the football game between Algeria and France where everyone was booing the anthem and it made me think of what a powerful scene that is in Casablanca and how significant that statement would have been by French Algerians/and Algerians to do that in the prescence of the President.
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