Tuesday, June 05, 2007

La Fête des Mères American Style.

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Sunday was la Fête des Mères in France, but as you all know, my mamma lives in the good old US of A. We had a great visit with her when we were in the states, and our visit was made that much sweeter by the fact that we were visiting for both American Mother’s Day and her graduation from the seminary.



Finally, after years of hard work, not only is she one step away from being a Reiki Master, she will be fully ordained by this fall. Yep, that’s right folks. She will be available to handle all your marriage, baptism, or exorcism needs. Whatever your individual case may be. You know you need Jesus.

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Anyway, my brother and his son came up for the big occasion which was really fun. ( Don't you just love the facial expressions in this photo?) After the ceremony there was lots of eating, drinking, and even a bit of card playing.

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Frenchboy and I even learned how to play Spades. In my opinion, that beats the hell out of the French Fête des Mères anyday!

1 comment:

buzzgirl said...

Awww! Your mom is so cute. Congratulations to her on her graduation.