Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not Exactly a blog-athon.

You may have noticed that I haven't been around lately. Uhm, thats mostly because I haven't really been up to much. OK, that's not exactly true, but unless y'all wanna hear about how much fun I had rearranging my bookshelves on Friday or how crappy I am at playing guitar, well, there isn't much to say except...

I love summer! Althought the weather here lately has been dreadful, it still feels like summer, and that means long lazy days. Aaah sooo good!

After the month of May where I was pretty much all over the place, hopping from country to country, June has been a month of total relaxation. I haven't been doing much. June has been all about spring cleaning, playing my guitar, and resting my brain so I can get ready to start making some new artwork within the next few weeks.

Normally, I'm one of those super organized control-freak types who sets up entire time-lines and agendas for even the smallest of tasks, but a few days of sunlight combined with a few cocktails and I've managed to completely short-circuit that system of thinking. At this very moment my life philosophy is "Eh, Whatever." I half-heartedly make my to-do lists knowing full well that I no longer feel beholden to them, and I never beat myself up when at the end of the day less than half of the tasks are completed. Two months ago this would have whipped me into a frenzy, but today---I can't be bothered.

But I did find this little gem to share with you:

Butt Overflow Kit

We were at Castorama (French version of "Home Depot") Saturday and I wandered down an aisle and saw this. So my question is---since it's titled in English, did they do this as a joke?
Uhm, dude, what were they thinking?


Shanster said...

If they did, they found their audience!

Madame K said...

Shan- Yeah, I was like: "This little gem was made juuust for meeee!'

Foxxy said...

What does a butt overflow kit do? Maybe I need one and the Frogs are just ahead of the game!! Should folks in the New Orleans hood start stocking up on bootleg butt overflow kits? This requires research.. hahahahahahaha

'Drea said...

I wonder what is the amateur's choice...

Madame K said...

I have NO idea what a Butt OverFlow Kit does, but perhaps the "Amateur's Choice" is a used straw from McDonalds and a Dixie cup?


Unknown said...

...something else to ponder about..what exactly do they mean by "A full range of accessories available here"...ah, to be in touch with one's inner 12 years old!

Aaron Grunwald said...

Oh my... someone in Marketing just took the first definition out of the French-English dictionary, didn't they? Please tell me you bought this!