Monday, August 13, 2007

More French Weekend Photo Blogging.

Every Saturday we eat yummy French food at "Chez Evelyne". That's what we call my French Mother-in-law's restaurant.


Seating is usually very exclusive, but this weekend Cousins Sara & Michel and their offspring were able to get reservations because they loaned me their big car to go haul my paintings home from the Museum. (Please note the 2 distinct seating areas. Lounge on the left. Formal dining on the right.)


Merci Sarah & Michel pour votre voiture le semaine derniere. Bientot je vous envoyerai enverrai les photos de ce weekend!

I know Sarah reads my blog, but since she doesn't speak English I had to do a quick change over. Also, I'm sure that sentence is filled with grammer mistakes, also my American keyboard doesn't do accents so...whatever. I tried. But I digress.


The food was delicious as usual.


Please note that little Florian is only 3 years old and he handles his cutlery better than I do.

Anyway, everything was going great until this conversation happened:

I am currently at the level of French language comprehension that I can understand almost anything. But after a few glasses of red wine, if I'm not paying attention---I get lost. On the occasions that I get confused I get this look on my face that is not unlike when a toddler has constipation. This look is FrenchBoy's clue to translate the conversation for me.
Actually I kind of enjoy not understanding every random conversation I hear since most of the time the conversation is about something totally assinine anyway. Plus, I'm starting to have a pretty nice video collection of these "WTF conversations".

But seriously--- what the bloody hell were they talking about?


Ksam said...

Ha! "Il est con comme un balai" is one of my favorite French expressions!!

Madame K said...

Mine too! The first time I heard it was a month or so ago when French father in Law used it to talk about his mother.

I almost shot red wine out my nose.