Does this make any sense to you: The French hate Halloween because it’s American, but they inhale Le Beeg-Mac like high cholesterol is the new black?
Whatever. Don't get me started.
We don’t get to celebrate Halloween here in Frogland. I got excited about 3 years ago when it seemed that the Frogs were on the verge of adopting it, but then it just fizzled out. I used to be really bitter about lack of Halloween in France, but now I’m over it. In fact this year I forgot, and we didn’t get any trick-or-treaters anyway.
BUT, one very charming reader (*cough*Jamila*cough,cough*) sent me this photo from the movie “The Chronicles of Riddick”.

Would this not make the most bad-ass Halloween Couples Costume ever for FrenchBoy and I? Or hell we could just go out to dinner dressed up like that. The big manly metallic shoulder pads might be tough to pull off, but we could give it a try.
Also side note: I lurve "The Chronicles of Riddick" because:
A.) I love Thandie Newton long time.
B.) The fact that Vin Deisel has a million-dollar acting career and
Ralph Macchio does not, is just sick and awesome.
And oh, oh, my favorite line from the movie: "Now look at you... all back of the bus and sh*t."