Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
DisneyLand for Art Nerds.
This past weekend my handsome French Boy hopped a train and headed to Basel Switzerland. Yes indeed we went for one thing and one thing only---Art Basel of course. Why the hell else would anyone go to Basel?
But video art wasn't the only incomprehensible stuff being shown. In fact there was room after room of some pretty fun & playful installation and sculpture too. I especially liked the floating sculptures, the black-lit room, and the room where you could play & walk on card-board cut-outs! I had a great time. It was like Disney land for Art Nerds.
This one actually made a 4 year old kid start crying. She saw it and immediately ran crying back to her mother. It was just THAT bad.
Anyway, after 8 hours of non-stop art viewing I’ve just about got this whole “Art tourism” thing out of my system……well....almost.
Next stop: The Venice Biennial!
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Madame K
9:28 AM
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
Art at Arsenal

Yesterday after a leisurely afternoon coffee with my friend Stella, I met up at Arsenal with an artist I met in Metz for a "vernissage", or Art opening.

The exhibition featured work by German sculptor and conceptual artist Ottmar Horl.

The main part of the exhibition featured a series of gold owls, penguins, and garden gnomes set up in groupings like bowling pins. Oh and let us not forget the rotating Andy Warhol heads.
My opinion?
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Madame K
8:24 AM
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Topics: Art
Thursday, June 15, 2006
French babies love to party!
I kid you not, I once saw our 2 year old nephew Matisse grab a champagne glass and yell "Chin!" (French for "Cheers!") French babies really know how to party.
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Madame K
12:34 PM
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Who the hell is Jean Louis Aubert?
One of the unfortunate things about being unilingual for most of my life is that I have missed out on an absolute wealth of crappy French pop music. Monday night My Favorite French Boy and I got our hands on some free VIP tickets to the Jean Louis Aubert concert in Amneville. I of course had no idea who Jean Louis Aubert was, but jumped at the VIP ticket offer---purely for blog research purposes of course.
The evening began with up front parking right by the VIP entrance, insanely skinny waify model-type ushers showing us to our seats, and then a mad dash for the VIP cocktail lounge where we practically gorged ourselves on cheap champagne and passed hors'deurves.
It was delightful.
At 9PM the skinny waif model girls informed us that the concert was about to begin and then ushered us to our front and center VIP balcony seats, from which we could clearly see the cheap floor seat ticket holders glaring at us in envy. Then the show began! Jean Louis Aubert actually came out into the VIP section playing a guitar, proceeded through the crowd, and then finally up to the stage. He was about 5 meters from my chair. If he had been Lenny Kravitz I’m sure I would have completely lost control of my bladder.... But it wasn’t Lenny Kravitz. It was just some French singer, who to the best of my ability, I can only describe as a kind of slightly effeminate French Mick Jagger.
Evenso, Aubert gave an energetic, more than respectable, 2 hour non-stop performance. (Which is more than I can say for Snoop-Dogg, who we saw at the same venue earlier this year.) The music was really good. Aubert is a great songwriter. And don’t tell anybody, but I think I even saw my intensely shy and reserved Favorite French Boy tap his foot to the music for a couple of songs.
All in all it was a great night out. Our first night out as French VIPs was a grand success.
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Madame K
2:59 PM
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Topics: Food, Random, Rants and Musings
Friday, June 09, 2006
Why I heart France: Reason # 3

Later we met David's friend Manu and some friends for drinks and ice-cream on the perpetually crowded terraces at Place d'Armes. Cafe culture is a very distinct and important part of French culture of course. Twenty-million people, one third of the country's population, enter cafes every day in France.
But I digress, this is not a post about cafes or French culture. It's just a quick musing on why I adore nothing more than a lazy Sunday afternoon drive with my favorite French boy... and why I heart France.
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Madame K
11:55 PM
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Topics: Why I heart France.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
French....or something like it.
That said, there are more than a few things that I've come to realize that I'm just content to keep. I may never truly be "French" even when my passport says I am.
List of things that make me un-frenchlike:
1. I like ice in my beverages. I get pissed off when a restaurant serves me a lukewarm drink.
2. I use the word "putain", which means whore or fuck, too frequently in casual conversation. (for an example, see #9)
3. I plan to smack my kids around when they get out of line or act like little jackasses. The French don't do that. Ever. And not because they think it's wrong, but because it's just too "uncivilized" for their sensibilities.
4. Although I don't own a bible, I'm still pretty religious by French standards....French people are mostly athiests and failed catholics.
5. I refuse to use a table cloth unless I'm hosting a formal dinner party.
6. I refuse to get ridiculously chunky blonde hilights on the top of my head, and then add jet black low-lights to the back. I also refuse to dye my hair Ronald McDonald red. Thats just retarded.
7. I believe you should have to know what customer service means if you work in a retail store. The customer isn't always right, but they ain't always wrong either.
8. Unlike French ladies , I doubt I will wear stilettos and continue to dress like a 20 year old when I'm 65 years old.
9. I will make my kids do chores! (Hello! Why the fuck don't French kids have to help with the housework? Lazy fucking Frogs!)
10. I've learned to turn down my speaking volume, but I still have a really loud laugh.
And frankly I just don't give a damn.
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Madame K
8:56 AM
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Topics: Random, Rants and Musings
Monday, June 05, 2006
French Country Bastard!
No, it's not an insult, it's a bread.
As much as I love food, I promise this will not become a food blog, but I couldn't help but share my latest grocery store find.
"Batard de Campagne" is the traditional crusty farm bread that was traditionally made in the French countryside. Literal translation: "Bastard from the Country". A "Batard" can be made from any type of dough. It's similiar to a wide baguette, but it's not as long, and the loaf is shaped slightly like an American football.
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Madame K
11:19 PM
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Topics: Food
Saturday, June 03, 2006
No place like home Part #2
And Soda:
And Cheeseballs.
And if for some reason your local Super Wal-mart is out of Gi-normous mayonnaise, soda, and cheeseballs...
you can always slap 8-10 obnoxiously large "support our troops" stickers on your big-ass SUV and drive 2 minutes to the next 24-hour super Walmart.
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Madame K
8:33 PM
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Friday, June 02, 2006
No place like home Part#1
It's official.

As of 2 weeks ago I am a legal, permanent resident of France. I went downtown to pick up my residency card on May 18th. And how did I celebrate? By leaving the country of course!
The day after I received my residency card, we packed up and jumped aboard a plane for Virginia Beach. My Brother Marcus and his son Tyson live there and my mother and youngest brother Antonio flew in for a visit as well.

The first weekend we were in town, Tyson and his step-brother & sister Juwan & Aleisha drove up to the beach to stay with us. I’ll be the first to admit that normally I do not like other people’s children, but they were just a delightful bunch and we had a great time. Even when 3 year old Juwan was puking up his mac & cheese at the Golden Corral dinner buffet he managed to be adorable.
The first day we took them to the North beach near our condo. The water was ice cold, but they wanted to go in anyway. In spite of the fact that they had carefully rolled up their pant legs, all three were soaking wet not more than 4 minutes after these photos were taken.
After the water disaster we decided to walk further down the boardwalk to a carnival where we promptly bought them over-priced ride tickets so they could go spin themselves dry on all the little kiddy rides. Much fun was had by all.
Later in the week we picked Tyson up from school and took him out for a fun-filled afternoon. My mother, the coolest grandmother in the world, spoils Tyson rotten as most grandmothers do. Since we had an hour to kill before the movie started, we stopped at the Super-duper Wal-Mart for a bite to eat and toy shopping.
Tyson picked out this weird transformer thing that was mind-bogglingly difficult to assemble. French boy to the rescue! David was able to somehow make all the insane pieces snap into place and saved the day. Both boys were exceedingly amused at their accomplishment.
On the drive back to Virginia Beach I made David stop and pull over so I could take a photo of this little gas station & general store. In the absolute middle of nowhere there it was. Like something right out of a movie set.
After a bit of deliberation we decided that for sure this must be the location that Quentin Tarantino used for the opening scene of “From Dusk ‘till Dawn”.
I dare you to prove otherwise.
Later in the week the whole family (minus the kids) headed out for some grown-up style entertainment: GIANT Cocktails!
My mom’s friend Christopher who lives in D.C. drove down to get in on the fun. Vacation at the beach is always enjoyable, but many Margaritas and Pinacoladas make it even more-so.
The absolute best-est part of the trip for David and me, besides getting to see my family, was the ocean Kayaking trip I booked. On the 2nd to last day of our trip I convinced David to go ocean kayaking with me, which is something totally out of character for both of us. Neither one of us are "water" or "beach people", but the tour sounded really cool and it was fairly reasonably priced.
We arrived at the surf-shop at at 9AM where we met our ultra-cool and hip surfer guide. David and I did a tandem kayak. I was in front and he was in back. (I did a crappy job of paddling for the first few minutes until I got the hang of it.) Within 5 minutes of getting into the ocean I was the first one to spot the first group of dolphins. They were HUGE.....especially when they were flopping around and mating within a few feet of our tiny little kayak! In the two hour period we probably saw about 30 dolphins. It was too cool for words.
David kept trying to paddle closer to them and I kept trying to back paddle. I'll admit I was totally freaked by how close they were to us. They kept coming up to check us out & believe me, dolphins are much cuter and cuddlier looking on the discovery channel! The whole experience was for lack of a better term “totally awesome”. And NO I did not take this photo. I "borrowed" it. I don't actually have any photos because I was simply too busy trying not to roll out of the damn kayak & drown to death.
So there you have it. But as wonderful and as much needed as the trip was, we are more than happy to be back "home" in France.
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Madame K
2:00 PM
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Topics: Random, Rants and Musings, Travel, WTF?