My dear sweet FrenchBoy is kind, gentle, soft-spoken, and incredibly mild mannered, but if you get on his bad side he will send you a mean ass e-mail that will singe your eyebrows.

Apparently there was some hanky-panky going on over at the construction site of our new apartment and a door frame and our bedroom wall were damaged. Frenchboy was not pleased. The construction manager got a e-mail that had smoke and ash trailing off of it, and shit got settled this morning.

In other news--we fired yet another tiler. Yes, we are onto tiler #3. The first one we predicted would go out of business---and it did. Then last week French father-in-law saw tiler #2 working and nearly had a conniption. Apparently tiler #2 didn't even measure before they installed the damn tiles! The building manager confirmed that tiler #2 had infact made so many mistakes in other apartments that they would no longer be allowed to work in the building. OUCH!
We're just super thankful it wasn't
our apartment they screwed up. Here's the floor tile we finally picked for the Italian shower in the master bathroom. The sales guy made me take off my shoe and test the texture. Thank God I had a

Luckily, we've already found a replacement tiler and he can start this weekend! Tiler #3, who we lovingly refer to as "one again" did the bathroom at French-Godmother Francine's house and his work is fantastic! We had to pull some strings to get him to come work all the way from Luxembourg, but he finally agreed.
Why is he called "one again" you ask? Because apparently the entire time he was installing tile in Francine's bathroom he kept making jokes and using Franglais. His favorite english expression is, you guessed it: "once again", but since his pronunciation sucks he says "one again". Alas, Mr. One Again will start installing our kitchen this weekend!

Also this weekend we picked out parquet---for the third time. The first one we chose could only be installed by the manufacturerso we nixed that idea. Next we chose another which ended up just being ridiculously expensive, and then finally this weekend we made yet another choice which is nearly identical to the 1st one we chose. Let's hope the third time is a charm.
Whatever. Just scroll back up and check out how dope my black converse low tops look with my Japanese laces!